Oferujemy pełen pakiet napraw i powiązanych usług. Wymieniamy uszkodzone wyświetlacze, niesprawne aparaty, zużyte baterie. Czyścimy gniazda i wbudowane głośniki. Naprawiamy zarówno iPhone'y, jak i iPady oraz Apple Watche, a także komputery MacBook oraz iMac. Zabezpieczamy i odzyskujemy dane z urządzeń. Pomagamy skonfigurować urządzenie w najlepszy możliwy sposób. Na życzenie przeprowadzamy naprawy w trybie ekspresowym, nawet w godzinę (usługa VIP).
Choose your device
Battery replacement
479 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
479 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
439 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
439 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
439 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
439 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
439 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
439 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
439 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
439 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
439 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
439 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
389 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
389 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
389 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
389 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
389 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
389 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
389 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
389 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
389 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
389 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
389 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
389 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
389 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
389 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
389 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
289 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
289 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
289 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
289 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
289 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
289 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Battery replacement
289 PLN
Battery replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
Display replacement
2239 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
1879 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
1879 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
1589 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
2239 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
1879 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
1879 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
1589 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
2239 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
1879 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
1879 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
1589 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
1879 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
1589 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
1409 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
1589 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
1879 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
1589 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
1409 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
1589 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
1879 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
1589 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
1169 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
1879 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
1589 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
1169 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
1589 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
420 PLN
1069 PLN
The lowest price in the 30-day period before the discount applies: 1019 PLN
The price is valid while stocks last. Advance booking required.
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
350 PLN
959 PLN
The lowest price in the 30-day period before the discount applies: 899 PLN
The price is valid while stocks last. Advance booking required.
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
320 PLN
1069 PLN
The lowest price in the 30-day period before the discount applies: 1019 PLN
The price is valid while stocks last. Advance booking required.
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
270 PLN
959 PLN
The lowest price in the 30-day period before the discount applies: 899 PLN
The price is valid while stocks last. Advance booking required.
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
330 PLN
1069 PLN
The lowest price in the 30-day period before the discount applies: 1019 PLN
The price is valid while stocks last. Advance booking required.
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
230 PLN
959 PLN
The lowest price in the 30-day period before the discount applies: 899 PLN
The price is valid while stocks last. Advance booking required.
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
829 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Display replacement
829 PLN
Display replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- display calibration - maintaining its full functionality
- 90 days warranty
- repair is carried out in about 1 hour (calls accepted Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 pm)
- during repair, we perform a detailed diagnosis of the device
Whole unit replacement
4359 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
3869 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
3519 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
3209 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
4139 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
3869 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
3519 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
3209 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
4139 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
3869 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
3419 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
3239 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
2969 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
2819 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
3519 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
3209 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
2309 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
2519 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
3519 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
3209 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
2309 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
2519 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
3519 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
3209 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
2279 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
3519 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
3209 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
2309 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
3209 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
2189 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
2159 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
2169 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
1649 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
1919 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
1759 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
2009 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Whole unit replacement
1739 PLN
Whole unit replacement in 1CORE:
- device with identical parameters
- 90 days warranty
- average repair time is 2-3 business days
- assistance with backup data
Mid system replacement
3229 PLN
Mid system replacement
2919 PLN
Mid system replacement
2609 PLN
Mid system replacement
2299 PLN
Mid system replacement
3229 PLN
Mid system replacement
2919 PLN
Mid system replacement
2609 PLN
Mid system replacement
2299 PLN
Rear system replacement
3229 PLN
Rear system replacement
2889 PLN
Rear system replacement
2889 PLN
Rear system replacement
2579 PLN
Rear system replacement
1759 PLN
Rear system replacement
2019 PLN
Rear system replacement
2889 PLN
Rear system replacement
2579 PLN
Rear system replacement
1759 PLN
Rear system replacement
2019 PLN
Back glass replacement
1069 PLN
Back glass replacement
929 PLN
Back glass replacement
1069 PLN
Back glass replacement
929 PLN
Back glass replacement
1069 PLN
Back glass replacement
929 PLN
Back glass replacement
1069 PLN
Back glass replacement
929 PLN
Back glass replacement
1069 PLN
Back glass replacement
929 PLN
Mid system replacement
2609 PLN
Mid system replacement
2299 PLN
Rear camera replacement
1299 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
1299 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
859 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
859 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
1299 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
1149 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
859 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
859 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
1149 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
1149 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
859 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
859 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
995 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
995 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
859 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
859 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
995 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
995 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
859 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
859 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
679 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
679 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
569 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
519 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
569 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
569 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
569 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
569 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
469 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
569 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
469 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
469 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
469 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
469 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
Rear camera replacement
469 PLN
Rear camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
TrueDepth Camera (Face ID) replacement
1229 PLN
TrueDepth camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
TrueDepth Camera (Face ID) replacement
1229 PLN
TrueDepth camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
TrueDepth Camera (Face ID) replacement
1229 PLN
TrueDepth camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
TrueDepth Camera (Face ID) replacement
1229 PLN
TrueDepth camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
TrueDepth Camera (Face ID) replacement
1229 PLN
TrueDepth camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
TrueDepth Camera (Face ID) replacement
1229 PLN
TrueDepth camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
TrueDepth Camera (Face ID) replacement
1229 PLN
TrueDepth camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
TrueDepth Camera (Face ID) replacement
1229 PLN
TrueDepth camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
TrueDepth Camera (Face ID) replacement
1229 PLN
TrueDepth camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
TrueDepth Camera (Face ID) replacement
1229 PLN
TrueDepth camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
TrueDepth Camera (Face ID) replacement
1229 PLN
TrueDepth camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
TrueDepth Camera (Face ID) replacement
1229 PLN
TrueDepth camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
TrueDepth Camera (Face ID) replacement
1229 PLN
TrueDepth camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
TrueDepth Camera (Face ID) replacement
1229 PLN
TrueDepth camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
TrueDepth Camera (Face ID) replacement
1139 PLN
TrueDepth camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
TrueDepth Camera (Face ID) replacement
1229 PLN
TrueDepth camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
TrueDepth Camera (Face ID) replacement
929 PLN
TrueDepth camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
TrueDepth Camera (Face ID) replacement
929 PLN
TrueDepth camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
TrueDepth Camera (Face ID) replacement
929 PLN
TrueDepth camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
TrueDepth Camera (Face ID) replacement
929 PLN
TrueDepth camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
TrueDepth Camera (Face ID) replacement
929 PLN
TrueDepth camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
TrueDepth Camera (Face ID) replacement
929 PLN
TrueDepth camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
TrueDepth Camera (Face ID) replacement
929 PLN
TrueDepth camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
TrueDepth Camera (Face ID) replacement
929 PLN
TrueDepth camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
TrueDepth Camera (Face ID) replacement
929 PLN
TrueDepth camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
TrueDepth Camera (Face ID) replacement
929 PLN
TrueDepth camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
TrueDepth Camera (Face ID) replacement
929 PLN
TrueDepth camera replacement in 1CORE:
- new original part
- new original display gasket
- 90 day warranty
- during repair we carry out a detailed diagnosis of the device
99 PLN
Device diagnosis. Valuation of possible repairs as well as a cost estimate for the insurer. Check the FMD Activation Lock status.
External cleaning of the talk speaker, microphones, lightning port
49 PLN
Cleaning impurities blocking the proper operation of the device.
Internal cleaning of the call speaker
99 PLN
Disassembling the device to clean the speaker.
Reinstalling or updating the system
99 PLN
Your system will be restored or updated. The service does not include data retention.
System reinstallation + data transfer
199 PLN
Transferring data from a working device, reinstalling the system and restoring it.
Preparation of the device for sale
149 PLN
Preparing the device for sale in 1CORE:
- safe deletion of data
- detailed diagnosis of the device with a generated certificate
- external cleaning of the device
- FMD status at the time of service.
Cleaning and diagnosis of the device after flooding
149 PLN
If your device has been in contact with liquid, it is necessary to fully clean and dry it to perform a full diagnosis as well as to prevent further damage.
General configuration support; every 15 min.
39 PLN
Software support on any topic. The cost of the service is calculated for each commenced 15 minutes. We usually solve most problems within 15/30 minutes.
Cleaning inside the device
169 PLN
Cleaning inside the device
169 PLN
Cleaning inside the device
249 PLN
Cleaning inside the device
249 PLN
Reinstalling or updating the system
149 PLN
System reinstallation + data transfer
299 PLN
EFI lock removal
199 PLN
Changing the keyboard language layout
od 99 PLN
Configuration support (15 min.)
39 PLN
Battery replacement
Ask for price
Logic board replacement
Ask for price
Display replacement
Ask for price
149 PLN
Cleaning and diagnosis of the device after flooding
299 PLN
Cleaning a sticky or sticky keyboard
od 49 PLN
Data transfer
199 PLN
Preparation of the device for sale
299 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1429 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1429 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1429 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1429 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1429 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1739 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1969 PLN
589 PLN
589 PLN
589 PLN
589 PLN
589 PLN
869 PLN
869 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1639 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2029 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2249 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2249 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2469 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2349 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2589 PLN
Whole unit replacement
3069 PLN
Whole unit replacement
3299 PLN
869 PLN
869 PLN
869 PLN
869 PLN
869 PLN
869 PLN
869 PLN
1029 PLN
1029 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1639 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1639 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1879 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2139 PLN
869 PLN
869 PLN
869 PLN
869 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2349 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2749 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2749 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2749 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2849 PLN
Whole unit replacement
3069 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2849 PLN
Whole unit replacement
3069 PLN
Whole unit replacement
4249 PLN
Whole unit replacement
4489 PLN
Whole unit replacement
3209 PLN
Whole unit replacement
3299 PLN
Whole unit replacement
3299 PLN
Whole unit replacement
3829 PLN
Whole unit replacement
4059 PLN
Whole unit replacement
3829 PLN
Whole unit replacement
4059 PLN
Whole unit replacement
4969 PLN
Whole unit replacement
5199 PLN
869 PLN
869 PLN
869 PLN
869 PLN
869 PLN
869 PLN
1029 PLN
1029 PLN
1209 PLN
1209 PLN
869 PLN
869 PLN
869 PLN
869 PLN
869 PLN
1209 PLN
1209 PLN
1309 PLN
1309 PLN
99 PLN
External cleaning of the talk speaker, microphones, lightning port
49 PLN
Reinstalling or updating the system
99 PLN
Reinstalling or updating the system
199 PLN
Preparation of the device for sale
149 PLN
Configuration support (15 min.)
39 PLN
49 PLN
Cleaning the headphones
69 PLN
Configuration support (15 min.)
39 PLN
Charging case replacement - Lightning
399 PLN
Charging case replacement - Lightning
399 PLN
Charging case replacement - Lightning
399 PLN
Replacing the charging case - Wireless
449 PLN
Replacing the charging case - MagSafe
489 PLN
Replacing the handset
449 PLN
Replacing the handset
449 PLN
Replacing the handset
449 PLN
Purchase a charging case - Lightning
399 PLN
Purchase a charging case - Lightning
399 PLN
Purchase a charging case - Lightning
449 PLN
Purchase a charging case - Wireless
499 PLN
Purchase a charging case - MagSafe
499 PLN
Buying a handset
449 PLN
Buying a handset
449 PLN
Buying a handset
449 PLN
Replacing the handset
549 PLN
Replacing the handset
549 PLN
Charging case replacement
589 PLN
Charging case replacement
589 PLN
Buying a handset
549 PLN
Buying a handset
549 PLN
Purchase a charging case
599 PLN
Purchase a charging case
599 PLN
Earbuds (Erasers)
49 PLN
Earbuds (Erasers)
49 PLN
Replacement of damaged headphones
1399 PLN
Battery replacement
549 PLN
Cushion for AirPods Max (1 pc.)
239 PLN
Cover for AirPods Max
389 PLN
249 PLN
239 PLN
239 PLN
239 PLN
Whole unit replacement
499 PLN
Whole unit replacement
599 PLN
Whole unit replacement
449 PLN
Whole unit replacement
599 PLN
49 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2879 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1739 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1739 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2059 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2059 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2269 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2269 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1739 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1739 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2059 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2059 PLN
Whole unit replacement
Ask for price
Whole unit replacement
Ask for price
Whole unit replacement
2269 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2269 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2879 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1739 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1739 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2059 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2059 PLN
Whole unit replacement
3129 PLN
Whole unit replacement
3129 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2269 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2269 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1399 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1399 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1169 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1169 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1739 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1739 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1739 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1739 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2059 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2059 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2059 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2059 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2269 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2269 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2269 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2269 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2879 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2879 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1739 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1739 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1739 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1739 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2059 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2059 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2059 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2059 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2269 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2269 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2269 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2269 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2879 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2879 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1299 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1299 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1299 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1299 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1499 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1499 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1499 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1499 PLN
Whole unit replacement
4549 PLN
Whole unit replacement
4549 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1739 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1739 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1739 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1739 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2059 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2059 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2059 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2059 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2269 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2269 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2269 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2269 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2879 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2879 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2269 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2269 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2769 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2769 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2059 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2059 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2059 PLN
Whole unit replacement
2059 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1739 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1739 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1739 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1739 PLN
Whole unit replacement
999 PLN
Whole unit replacement
999 PLN
Whole unit replacement
999 PLN
Whole unit replacement
999 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1349 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1349 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1349 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1349 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1989 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1989 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1989 PLN
Whole unit replacement
1989 PLN
Whole unit replacement
4829 PLN
Whole unit replacement
4829 PLN
699 PLN
Ask for price
Ask for price
Ask for price
Ask for price
Ask for price
Ask for price
669 PLN
669 PLN
669 PLN
669 PLN
669 PLN
669 PLN
669 PLN
669 PLN
699 PLN
669 PLN
669 PLN
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669 PLN
669 PLN
569 PLN
569 PLN
569 PLN
569 PLN
569 PLN
569 PLN
569 PLN
569 PLN
569 PLN
569 PLN
569 PLN
569 PLN
599 PLN
599 PLN
49 PLN
Visit us in town
Samsung, Apple, Oppo—service centres, for you to walk in and get the thing going. Dedicated parking space available.
Directions on Google MapsŁódź
Walk-in service centre for Samsung. Collection point for Apple and Oppo (repairs redirected to Kraków). Parking space nearby — see the map.
Directions on Google MapsOther brands we work with
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